
By Volkan Ozyilmaz
February 3, 2021

Versions help you to create different versions of your products.

Each version has a set of features and, you can customize your software with it. For example, you may have Standard Version, Gold Version, Platinum Version and, each version acts differently.

Adding a new version and modifying existing ones

By default, all existing products have a "Full" version. Whenever you create a new product it will be assigned to the "Full" version.

Follow these steps to edit this version or add new ones:

  1. To go to the version page, click the versions icon from the menu bar

  2. To create a new version, click the "Add new version" button. To edit an existing version, click on your version name.

  3. This will open a pop-up box where you can modify:

    • Version label

    • Version code


The search bar allows you to search versions by any term in the version columns, by label, or by code.


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